We ensure your orders are quality checked and packed with care for your satisfaction. In case it arrives damaged or with defects, you may request for a refund and return your order or select items from your order free of charge for the first return provided it is within the return period, which begins on the day our official partner courier delivers your item.
To start the return process, you may opt for our shipping partner to pick up your return package, or you can drop the item off at one of our designated logistics partner’s drop off locations. All return requests will be subject to final review by our team before a refund or reversal is processed. The time it takes to receive your refund or reversal will depend on your bank or card provider.
If you choose to receive a refund via an Online Store Credit, you will receive an email notification with your Store Credit information. Please note:
- Trunc Store Credit may only be redeemed online by logged in customers on Trunc.ph and will not be accepted in any of our brands' physical stores.
- Store Credit will be issued as a refund for approved returned items and cannot be exchanged with cash or other items.
- Store Credit are valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Its validity is not extendable and upon its expiration, Store Credits can no longer be reactivated or refunded.
- Store Credit can only be issued to one (1) account on Trunc.ph. It cannot be distributed among multiple accounts, and is non-transferable.
- To use the Store Credit upon checkout you must enter the amount you wish to use in the “Apply Store Credit” field. If the available balance of Store Credit is bigger than the total of your order, the amount of your total order will only be deducted from your Store Credit. During order review, the amount of store credit applied to the order appears with the order totals, and is subtracted from the grand total. Your store credit balance is adjusted when the order is placed.
- Store credit may be applied in conjunction with available payment methods to complete a single purchase. If payment fails, please reach out to our customer service team via chat or via email (concierge@trunc.ph) so we can initiate the refund process.
- Store Credit are not considered e-wallets or gift cards, and cannot be purchased as a gift.